Run far. Run fast. Run for fun.
The Persistence Backyard Ultra is an official affiliated race of Big Dog's Backyard Ultra. The winner of our 2022 race, Amanda Nelson, and our assist, Brian Bondy, helped Canada to a 5th place finish at the World Championships.
This race is for all runners, those who might run 1 loop, those who might run 100, and all those in between!
"Welcome to the backyard family."
Persistence is defined as firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Do you have enough persistence to push yourself further than you think is possible? Do you have enough persistence to be the Last One Standing? Find out during the fourth edition of the Persistence Backyard Ultra, beginning on August 2nd, 2025.
As a bonus for our Ontario runners, the ultra will be taking place on the August long weekend, giving you an extra day to run, or recover, without having to worry about work.
Persistence will take place in London, Ontario, Canada, consistently voted the second best London in the world, since 1855. For the geographically challenged, London is pretty much halfway between Detroit and Toronto (a two hour drive from each), and a 2.5 hour drive from Buffalo. Then again, if you are geographically challenged, I guess that won’t help you much either.
We are very excited to welcome you to London, and the Persistence family in 2025!
For further details about the Backyard Ultra format, please click on the Backyard Ultra image below the race logo.
Race History
2022 Last One Standing: Amanda Nelson (33 loops)
Assist: Brian Bondy
2023 Last One Standing: Amanda Nelson (32 loops)
Assist: Jean-Gabriel Gagnon
2024 Last One Standing: Justin Wright (47 loops)
Assist: Francois Decelles